Financing Sustainable Development
2 contributors - Hardback
Magdalena Ziolo is Associate Professor at University of Szczecin, Poland. Her research and teaching scope focus on finance, banking and sustainability. She has extensive experience gained in financial institutions. She has received scholarships from the Dekaban-Liddle Foundation (University of Glasgow, Scotland) and Impakt Asia Erasmus + (Ulan Bator, Mongolia). She was a member of State Quality Council, Kosovo Accreditation Agency. She is Principal Investigator in the research projects funded by National Science Center, Poland in the field sustainable finance. She is the author and editor of numerous books, mostly about financing sustainable development.
Beata Zofia Filipiak is Professor at University of Szczecin, Poland. She has worked in different financial institutions and obtained the qualifications of a tax advisor in 1998. She was involved in 25 scientific projects regarding corporate financial strategies, financial strategies of LGU's, and sustainable development and finance. Her research was financed by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research, DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst), and the Polish-German Foundation for Science. She carries out research supported by National Science Centre Poland in the scope of financing sustainable development.