Molecular Spectroscopy—Experiment and Theory
2 contributors - Paperback
Andrzej Kolezynski is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland and has also a PhD in philosophy. In his research, he applies methods of computational chemistry and physics to the periodic and non-periodic solids in order to analyse electronic structure, transport properties and electron density topological properties in relation to structure, chemical bonding and other physical and chemical properties of the compounds of interest. In addition to his research activities, he was a guest editor of several special issues in the Journal of Molecular Structure (2013, 2017), Spectrochimica Acta A (2017) and Vibrational Spectroscopy (2017), a chairman of the organising committees of two international conferences on molecular spectroscopy and served as a member and chair of the expert panels assessing grant applications for two main Polish funding agencies, the National Science Centre and National Centre for Research and Development. Dr. Kolezynski has published more than 40 research papers in international refereed journals and authored a monograph and two book chapters.
Magdalena Król is an Assistant Professor at AGH University of Science and Technology. She received her master's degree in Chemical Technology and PhD in Chemistry from the same university. In her research, she applies various spectroscopic methods to study the structure and properties of aluminosilicate materials, with particular emphasis on materials from the zeolites group. In addition to her research activities, she was a guest editor of the special issue in Vibrational Spectroscopy (2017). Dr. Król is a co-author of over 50 articles (including over 30 papers in international refereed journals) and 5 book chapters.