Madhumati Bhaskarwar Author

Madhumati Bhaskarwar, MS in marine biology from the Institute of Science, Mumbai, India. She researched, at National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, micro fouling of surfaces in the oceanic, estuarine, and lagoon waters on the west coast of India. She has taught biology and biotechnology for 30 years and has published several scientific papers, popular articles, and a book.

Dr Anjulika Joshi, PhD, is a biochemist. She researched "biochemical attraction in mastomys natalensis during Brugia malayi infection" and carried out toxicological studies at the Indian Toxicological Research Centre, Lucknow. Anjulika has 10 research papers and a book to her credit. She has taught biology and biotechnology for over two decades.

Professor Ashok N. Bhaskarwar, PhD; chemical engineering; Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has taught at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi since 1990, was head of the department of chemical engineering at IIT, and was visiting professor the University of Minnesota. Ashok has 29 patents and 180 publications and he incubated a startup entitled EnNatura Technology Ventures Pvt. Ltd., which manufactures pollution preventing lithographic printing inks.