Madeleine Rose Oldstone Author

Michael B.A. Oldstone, is world known for his contributions studying viruses and how they cause disease (election to the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Medicine and other National and International bodies, as well as recipient of multiple awards by international and national societies). He has lectured at multiple universities on the topic of Ebola and on hemorrhagic African fevers. He has authored several books. His last one, "Viruses, Plagues, & History" had favorable reviews in the lay press (NY Times Book Review, Nation, multiple newspapers and magazines in the US and in Europe, NPR interviews and profiles, etc.) and favorable reviews by the highest scientific journals (Science, Nature, etc.). The book was translated into five additional languages, elicited book signings, invited talks at museums and book stores, and sold over 45,000 copies. Further, the book was used and still is for teaching in several undergraduate colleges, graduate, and medical schools. Thus, name recognition of the author and the product delivered reflected both high standards and wide recognition. Madeleine Rose Oldstone is a graduate of the College of Diplomacy at Seton Hall University. Her interest and commitment is to world health problems, policy, and diplomacy.