Madeleine Campbell Editor & Author

Madeleine Campbell is an associate tutor at the University of Edinburgh, UK, and a freelance writer, researcher and translator. She researches intersemiotic translation as practice, and she is also Secretary of Cultural Literacy in Europe, leading its special interest group on Intersemiotic Translation. Her collaborative Jetties project staged Algerian Mohammed Dib's writings and her translations of Occitan Aurélia Lassaque appeared at Poetry International Rotterdam (2018).
Ricarda Vidal is a teaching fellow, translator and curator based at King’s College London, UK. As curator of Translation Games and Talking Transformations, she explores intersemiotic translation as practice-based research and for public engagement. Her recent books include Death & Desire in Car Crash Culture (2013), The Power of Death (2014), Alternative Worlds (2014), and Revolve:R bookworks (2012-18).