Maciel M Queiroz Author

Dr Maciel M. Queiroz is a Professor and Researcher of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Fundação Getulio Vargas EAESP, Brazil. He earned his PhD in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Currently, Maciel is Associate Editor in the International Journal of Logistics Management, RAUSP Management Journal and Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Information Management. His current research focuses on digital transformation, including Digital supply chain capabilities, Industry 4.0, AI, Blockchain, Big data, and IoT. He has published papers in top-tier international journals and conferences. Besides, Dr Maciel has been serving as a Guest Editor for leading journals, including the International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning and Control, Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems etc.

Dr Samuel Fosso Wamba is the Associated Dean of Research at TBS Education, France. He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at The University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and at the UCSI Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Malaysia. He earned his PhD in industrial engineering at the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada. His current research focuses on the business value of information technology, inter-organizational systems adoption, use and impacts, supply chain management, electronic commerce, blockchain, artificial intelligence for business, social media, business analytics, big data, and open data. He leads the Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics at TBS Education. He is among the 2% of the most influential scholars globally based on the Mendeley database that includes 100,000 top scientists for 2020 and 2021. He ranks in ClarivateTMs 1% most cited scholars in the world for 2020 2021 and in CDO Magazine's Leading Academic Data Leaders 2021. Based on the 2021 ranking, he is France's 3rd top business and management scientist.