Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems
4 contributors - Hardback
Romeo Rojas, PhD, is a full-time professor at the School of Agronomy at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico, specializing in foods, biotechnology, and agricultural sciences. He is a member of the National Researches System (SNI) and the Mexican Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering. He has been a thesis director of one PhD thesis, two MSc theses, and four BSc theses. Dr. Rojas is currently developing two research projects funded by the Agricultural Secretariat of Mexico, National Forestry Commission, and the National Mexican Research Council (SAGARPA-CONACYT; CONAFOR-CONACYT) and two collaborations on projects funded by the National Forestry Commission and National Mexican Research Council (CONAFOR-CONACYT). He graduated as a Food Science and Technology Engineer from the Autonomous Agrarian University Antonio Narro, where he specialized in agricultural sciences. His PhD degree in Food Science and Technology was earned at the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico. He had academic stays in Portugal (Univeridade do Minho) and in Queretaro, México (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico). Dr. Rojas has published over 37 original research papers in indexed journals and 28 book chapters and has participated in and contributed to over 50 scientific meetings.
Guillermo Cristian Guadalupe Martínez Ávila, PhD, is a Scientist and Professor at the School of Agronomy of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico, specializing in foods, biotechnology, and agricultural sciences. He has been named as an outstanding reviewer for journals such as Food Research International, Heliyon, LWT-Food Science and Technology, etc. He is a member of the National Researches System (SNI), Mexican Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, and Mexican Association of Food Chemistry. He has been a thesis director of five MSc theses, and one PhD theses. Dr. Martínez Ávila is currently developing two research projects funded by Agricultural Secretariat of Mexico, National Forestry Commission, and the National Mexican Research Council (SAGARPA-CONACYT; CONAFOR-CONACYT) and two collaborations on projects funded by the National Forestry Commission and National Mexican Research Council (CONAFOR-CONACYT). He graduated as Chemical pharmacobiologist from the Autonomous University of Coahuila, specialized in food sciences. His PhD degree in Biotechnology was awarded by the Autonomous University of Coahuila. He has had two academic stays, in Ireland (University College Cork) and in Fortaleza, Brazil (Universidade de Fortaleza). Dr. Martínez has published over 41 original research papers in indexed journals and 10 book chapters and has participated in and contributed to over 50 scientific meetings.
Julia Mariana Márquez Reyes, PhD is a Scientist and Professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, School of Agronomy, Nuevo León, México, specializing in foods and biotechnology sciences. She is a member of the National Researches System (SNI). She has been a thesis director of several MSc and BSc theses. Dr. Reyes is currently developing four research lines: 1) Bioreactors with anaerobic activity for the removal of contaminants; 2) Phytoremediation for the control of heavy metals in water and soil; 3) Enzymatic activity and antioxidant capacity of plant organisms used in environmental biotechnology, and 4) Development of sustainable technologies. She graduated as an Environmental Engineer from the Universidad del Mar, Puerto Ángel, Oaxaca, México. Her MSc in Environmental Sciences was earned at Autonomous University of San Luis, Potosí, México, and her PhD degree in Biotechnology was awarded by Autonomous University of Nuevo León, México. Dr. Marquez has published eight original research papers in indexed journals and 12 original research in peer-reviewed and book chapters and has participated in and contributed to several scientific meetings.
Ma del Carmen Ojeda Zacarías, PhD, is a full-time professor at the School of Agronomy, Autonomous University of Nuevo León, specializing in engineering, biotechnology, and agricultural sciences. She is a reviewer for journals such has Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology and Mexican Plant Breeding(Mexican Phytotechnics). She is a member of the National Investigation System (SNI), Mexican Society of Plant Micropropagation and Vegetable Automation, Mexican Society of Phytogenetics, and Mexican College of Agronomists, North Division. She has been a thesis director of two PhD theses, seven MSc theses, and two BSc theses. She graduated as an agronomist from the School of Agronomy, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL), specializing in Biotechnology. Her PhD degree in Agricultural Sciences was awarded by the same institution. She has participated in three academic stays, at the Texas A&M University, USA; Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the IPN (CINVESTAV), the National Institute of Forestry; and Agricultural and Livestock Research (INIFAP), Mexico. Dr. Ojeda has published 30 original research papers in indexed journals and nine book chapters and participated and contributed to over 50 scientific meetings.