Innovation in Capitalist Economies
2 contributors - Hardback
Faruk Ülgen is a Professor of Economics, Head of International Relations and Bachelor Distance Learning Programs within the Department of Economics at the Université Grenoble Alpes, France. He also serves as a Codirector of the Center of Research in Economics of Grenoble (CREG). His current research focuses on the evolution of financial markets and innovations and the evolution of financial regulation and supervision from an institutionalist-evolutionary perspective, drawing on collective action and the economics of the commons.
Lyubov Klapkiv (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at the University Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin (Institute of Economics and Finance) and a Visiting Professor at the University Grenoble Alpes (2022-2024). She received her PhD degree in Finance from the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine). She is a Graduate of the Line Kirkland Scholarship program 2015/2016. Her main research fields include the economics of insurance, sustainable finance and financial innovations.