Lynn Schmidt Author

Toni Hodges DeTuncq is President of THD & Company Inc. For the past 20 years, she has concentrated on measuring and managing human performance. Toni has conducted and managed operational, systems and group evaluations for corporate, defense contracting, and government organisations. Her work has included the development of individual assessment tools as well as large organisational tracking tools, all aimed at measuring the performance and monetary value of human resource and systems intervention programmes.

Dr. Lynn Schmidt has twenty-six years of experience as a talent management and organisation development leader in large corporations. Currently, she is a Talent Management Leader at Group Health Cooperative and has responsibility for succession management, leadership development, coaching, leader onboarding, and performance management. Lynn has extensive experience with evaluating the impact of talent management initiatives on the bottom-line. She has received her certification in ROI evaluation, served as the Chairperson of the ASTD ROI Network Advisory Committee for two years, and was a recipient of the ROI Practitioner of the Year Award. She was an adjunct professor at both Marymount University and Georgetown University in Washington, DC.