Lynn Cavendish Author

Lynn Cavendish was born in Bristol in 1956. Having a normal, loving stable childhood, she emerged from comprehensive education with no confidence, a multitude of o levels and CSE's and had no idea what to do with them. Consequently Lynn was directed by the 'career's officer into banking and finance because she passed her 'business practice exam'. After her own children were born, she changed careers and became a support worker for children with special educational needs and worked for thirteen years in a school with a mixed intake of children from various backgrounds. Here she realised her potential and as well as teaching, developed her creative skills and enabled her to compose poems, songs, assembly presentations and even choreographed the odd dance. Her humorous outlook brought some joviality and fun into learning, although on occasions did not go down too well in the staff room! After recovering from an illness, she retired early, and concentrated in earnest on her writing. This is Lynn's first book.