Lynn C Koch Author

Lynn C. Koch, PhD, CRC, is a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and Professor, Rehabilitation Education and Research Program, University of Arkansas where she has been employed since 2006. Prior to that she was Coordinator, Rehabilitation Counseling Program, Kent State University, OH and a faculty member in the Center forDisability Studies. Dr. Koch has authored or co-authored 75 professional journal articles, 16 book chapters, and one book, Emerging Issues in Rehabilitation Counseling. She has guest-edited three special issues of professional and academic journals in the field of rehabilitation and allied health professions, including a special issue of Work on emerging disabilities. She also guest-edited a forthcoming special issue of Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education on psychiatric rehabilitation. Additionally, she has delivered over 85 presentations to consumer, professional, academic, and policymaking audiences. Dr. Koch served as the Chair of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) Research Committee for the 11 years. She also has served as Co-Chair of the NCRE Psychiatric Rehabilitation Council and has served on the editorial boards of five journals. Dr. Koch was the recipient of the 2014 University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions Career Faculty Award; 2013 National Council on Rehabilitation Education President's Award for Exemplary Diligence and Fortitude in Promoting Rehabilitation Research, Education, and Service; the 2008-2009 University of Arkansas Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders Outstanding Researcher Award; and the 2001 Third Place American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Research Award.

Phillip Rumrill, PhD, CRC , is a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. He is Professor and Coordinator, Rehabilitation Counseling Program and Director, Center for Disability Studies, Kent State University, OH. Dr. Rumrill has authored or co-authored more than 200 professional journal articles; 50 book chapters, monographs, measurement instruments, and training manuals; and 12 books. He has also guest-edited 21 special issues of professional and academic journals in the fields of education and rehabilitation. Dr. Rumrill is a highly sought speaker at national and international conferences and has delivered more than 350 addresses to consumer, professional, academic, and policymaking audiences over the past two decades. From 2006-2011, he served as Co-Principal Investigator and Research Director of the Coordination, Outreach, and Research Center for the Americans with Disabilities Act National Network, funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). He has received honors and recognition for his work from such organizations as the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the International Organization of Social Science and Behavioral Research, and the National TRIO Foundation. Dr. Rumrill has held Distinguished Lecturer or Visiting Scholar appointments at University of Pittsburgh, Ohio State University,University of Hawaii, University of Leeds Medical School in England, University of Glasgow in Scotland, and the Arla Institute of Finland. He co-authored Sandwich Generation's Guide to Eldercare, which won the Gold Medal in the Foreword's 2013 Book of the Year Awards in the Family and Relationship Books category.