Abrahams Aufbruch
6 authors - Hardback
Paola Ceccarelli is Lecturer in Classical Greek History at University College London. Before joining UCL in 2015, she held university posts in Switzerland (Lausanne, 1991-93), Italy (L'Aquila, 1994-2006), and England (Durham, 2006-12), as well as research fellowships in France (EHESS, 2009), the United States (Center for Hellenic Studies, 1998-99), Germany (Konstanz, 2009; Heidelberg, 2011), and Cambridge (2013-2015). Her main areas of interest include concepts of space and identity in the ancient world, ancient performance culture, and Greek historiography, and she is currently working on an edition, including translation and commentary, of the Seleukid Royal Correspondence. Lutz Doering is Professor of New Testament and Ancient Judaism at the University of Münster and heads the Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum, an institute dedicated to research on Judaism in antiquity and Christian-Jewish relations. Previously, he taught at the University of Jena (1999-2003), King's College London (2004-2009), and Durham University (2009-2014); in 2011/12, he held an AHRC Research Fellowship and in 2014/15 he was a Fellow at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem. Since 2014, he has led a project within the Münster Cluster of Excellence, 'Religion and Politics', on integration and diversification in Palestinian Judaism during the Hellenistic-Roman period, focusing both on the Dead Sea Scrolls and on the early history of the synagogue. Thorsten Fögen is Associate Professor (Reader) in Classics at Durham University. Previously he taught at the Humboldt University of Berlin (2002-09. He held research fellowships at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C. (2005/06), the University of California, Los Angeles (2007/08), the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (2015/16), and the 'Internationales Kolleg Morphomata' at the University of Cologne (2016/17). His research focuses on Latin literature, especially from the late Republic until the early Empire, with particular interests in ancient technical texts, epistolography, animals in antiquity, and the history of linguistic ideas. Ingo Gildenhard is Reader in Classics and the Classical Tradition at the University of Cambridge and a fellow of King's College. Before taking up his current post he also taught at King's College London (1999-2006) and Durham University (2006-2012), and held research fellowships at Clare Hall, Cambridge (2006) and the University of Konstanz (2009); from 2009-12, he was the recipient of a major research fellowship of the Leverhulme Trust. His research interests cover the fields of Latin literature (especially Cicero, Virgil, and Ovid), Roman culture, and the classical tradition, on which he has (co-)authored and edited several volumes and articles.