Disproportionality and Social Justice in Education
4 contributors - Hardback
Nicholas A Gage, Ph.D., is a Senior Researcher in Special Education at WestEd focused on advancing rigorous research and evaluation in learner variability and special education. Dr. Gage’s research interests are centered on the identification of policies and practices at the national, state, local, and classroom levels to support the academic, social, and behavioral needs of students with disabilities. This work is grounded in a multitiered systems of support (MTSS) framework, with a particular emphasis on positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS). His expertise is in supporting researchers, schools, districts, and states in leveraging their data resources to best identify and develop effective and efficient systems of support for students’ academic and behavioral needs.
Luke J. Rapa, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Adolescent Development in the department of Education and Human Development at Clemson University. Broadly, Dr. Rapa studies how contextual, sociocultural, and sociopolitical factors shape key developmental and psychological processes and promote or constrain adolescent's development and academic success. Dr. Rapa has particular interest in the development of youth navigating adversity, marginalization, and inequitable societal conditions. Much of his research examines how adolescents critically analyze societal inequities and develop the motivation and agency to redress such inequities or develop "critical consciousness"; and how youth navigate structural constraints or marginalizing systems (e.g., institutional racism, discrimination, stereotypes in school) to achieve academic success and well-being.
Denise K. Whitford, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Purdue University, specializing in discriminatory discipline. She is particularly involved in examining the impact on student achievement, postacademic outcomes, and emotional well-being, in addition to determining methods for decreasing disproportionality in K-12 settings, including through the use of culturally responsive practices and cultural competency training for educators.
Antonis Katsiyannis, Ed.D., an Alumni Distinguished Professor at Clemson University, specializes in legal and policy issues in special education. His research interests include legal and policy issues in special education, delinquency, and school violence and discipline. He has served as the president of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and he is the recipient of the 2018 Frederick J. Weintraub Outstanding CEC Leadership Award, the 2018 MSLBD Leadership Award, and the 2017 CCBD Leadership Award.