Ludwig Jaskolla Editor

Godehard Brüntrup holds a PhD (1994) in philosophy from FU Berlin. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Notre Dame. After receiving tenure in 2003 at Munich School of Philosophy, he now holds the Erich J. Lejeune Chair. He has been visiting professor at Fordham University and is currently a regular visiting professor at St. Louis University. In addition to a monograph on mental causation, he is the author of a bestselling introduction into the philosophy of mind as well as of numerous articles in philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and philosophy of religion. Ludwig Jaskolla studied philosophy and physics in Munich, Germany. In 2013, he defended his PhD thesis on persistence-conditions and causation in 4-dimensional ontologies at the Munich School of Philosophy, which has been funded by a grant of the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung. His current research foci are: the metaphysics and phenomenology of persons, the philosophy of psychology, issues in the meta-ethics of virtue theory, and the philosophy of technology.