Ludo Abicht Author

Ludo Abicht teaches philosophy at the University of Antwerp and at PARTS, the Performing Arts Research and Training Studios international school of dance in Brussels. Previously, he taught philosophy and cultural history at Antioch College and the University of California, Berkeley, in the US. He studied philosophy, Latin, and Greek literature in the Jesuit order. Ludo Abicht has written several books of poetry and fiction, and on critical philosophy, ethics, Judaism, the Middle East, interculturalism, and literature.
Hendrik Opdebeeck teaches philosophy and ethics at the faculty of Arts, the faculty of Applied Economics and the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He studied philosophy and economics at the Belgian universities of Ghent and Leuven. Hendrik Opdebeeck is chairman of the crosscultural SPES-Forum for the search of meaning in the economy and society. The impact, and the cultural and philosophical background, of globalization are the central themes of his published work.