Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling
3 authors - Hardback
Wolfgang Karl Härdle is the Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Professor of Statistics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and director of C.A.S.E. (Center for Applied Statistics and Economics), director of the CRC-649 (Collaborative Research Center) “Economic Risk” and director of the IRTG 1792 “High Dimensional Non-stationary Time Series.” He teaches quantitative finance and semi-parametric statistics. His research focuses on dynamic factor models, multivariate statistics in finance and computational statistics. He is an elected member of the ISI (International Statistical Institute) and advisor to the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University and a senior fellow of Sim Kee Boon Institute of Financial Economics at the Singapore Management University.
Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen is guest professor at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin School of Business & Economics, a principal investigator in the International Research Training Group 1792 – High Dimensional Non-stationary Time Series and visiting fellow at Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics, Singapore Management University. Her research interests focus on text mining, finance analysis and risk analysis and management. She has dedicated herself to applying text-mining techniques to distill news flow from social media. She has published in key journals and has written important software for financial econometrics. She applies modern econometric techniques, such as copulae and ultra-high dimensional factor models to financial data on systemic risk indicators. She has professional experience in risk modeling and management in banking industry.
Ludger Overbeck is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Gießen, specializing in stochastic processes, as well as mathematical financial and quantitative methods in risk management. His research covers a wide range of topics from infinite-dimensional stochastic analysis, like measure-valued processes, path-dependent stochastic equations and partial differential equations; pricing issues such as term structure modelling for credit products; risk management like portfolio credit risk; and the axiomatic approach to systemic dynamic risk measures. He gained broad professional experience in risk-management quantification issues during his career with the Deutsche Bundesbank, Deutsche Bank, UniCredit and Commerzbank.