Encounters with Loneliness
3 contributors - Paperback
Arlene Kramer Richards, EdD, is a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association and COWAP, a Fellow, training and supervising analyst, IPTAR, and a training analyst at the New York Freudian Society. She is a member of the Faculty of Tonji Medical College, and has published numerous articles and books on topics including gender related issues and women's psychology, loneliness, and on literature and films. Lucille Spira, LCSW, PhD, is a member of the New York School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (NYSPP), and has given presentations on loneliness and literary works at NYSPP, APsaA, and Div. 39. She is Co-Chair for the Loneliness Discussion Group, APsaA, and has published in various psychoanalytic journals. She has also co-edited with A.K. Richards and A.A. Lynch 'Encounters with Loneliness: Only the Lonely' (Best Anthology, Gradiva Award, 2014), and is currently in private practice in New York.