Lucie Guibault Author & Editor

Christine Godt is Professor of International and European Economic Law and Hanse Law School Director at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany). She was a Senior Researcher at the Centre for European Law and Policy (ZERP) at the University of Bremen between 1997 and 2007. In 2005, Professor Godt completed her Habilitation at the University of Bremen (“Eigentum an Information”, Mohr Siebeck, 2007) and in 1995 received her PhD from the same University (“Haftung für Ökologische Schäden”, Dunker & Humblot, 1997). She was fellow at the Center of Excellence, University of Constance; Visiting Professor at UCLA Los Angeles. Professor Godt completed her First and Second State Exams in 1991 and 1997, respectively, in Berlin and studied Law and History in Tübingen, Berlin and Washington DC. Geertrui Van Overwalle, LLB (University of Brussels), MA (University of Leuven), PhD (University of Leuven), is Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Professor of Methodology of Legal Sciences at the University of Leuven (Belgium). She is a Visiting Professor at Tilburg University (the Netherlands), Sciences Po School of Law (Paris, France), Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) and Monash University (Melbourne, Australia). Professor Van Overwalle is a Research Scholar at Fudan University (Shangai, China) and the author of many books and articles in peer reviewed journals (such as Nature and Science) covering Patent Law and Genetics, Patent Law and Human Rights, Theory of Patent Law, Plant Breeder’s Rights Law, Open Innovation and Commons. Lucie Guibault, LLB, LLM (Université de Montréal) and PhD (University of Amsterdam), is Professor of Law in Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University (Canada). Professor Guibault’s research interests lie in the critical and normative analysis of the copyright system, with a focus on the impact of technological change on the balance of interests between rights owners and users. She has published extensively on copyright and related rights in the information society, open content licensing, collective rights management, limitations and exceptions in copyright, and author’s contract law. Deryck Beyleveld, BSc Hons (Rand), MA (Cantab) PhD (UEA) and FRSB, is Professor of Law and Bioethics at Durham Law School (United Kingdom). Professor Beyleveld is the author of many books and articles covering, inter alia, Criminology, the Philosophy of Law, Kantian and Gewirthian Moral Theory, Morality in Patent Law, Bioethics, Contract Law, Medical Law, Data Protection Law, Product Liability Law, and Human Rights Law.