Luca Marrucci Author

Luca Marrucci is a research fellow at the Institute of Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies where he is also part of the research group on Sport Sustainability. His research interests range from corporate environmental management, passing through sustainable consumption and production, to resource efficiency and circular economy. He is currently working in several European and National projects. He is also involved in teaching courses at the University of Siena and he is Adjunct Professor at the Institute Lorenzo de’ Medici of Florence.

Tiberio Daddi is Associate Professor in Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies where he coordinates the research group on Sport Sustainability Management. His research interests range from corporate environmental management to sustainable consumption and production, from Environmental footprint, performance and LCA to circular economy. He is project manager of relevant international projects funded mainly by European Commission, he has been involved as European projects evaluators, he is partner of Spin Off company of SSSA. He is the owner of numerous scientific publications published in international journals relating to the relevant research area. He teaches at the International PhD in Management and the Master in Environmental Management and Control of the SSSA and the Executive Master in Circular Economy Management at the Luiss Business School of Rome.

Fabio Iraldo is currently holding academic positions as Full Professor of Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, where he co-ordinates a research group within the Institute of Management, and as Research Director at GREEN, former IEFE – "Centre for Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks", a research centre of Bocconi University in Milan. Fabio is the leader of the sustainability management area at the Institute of Management. He is responsible for teaching courses in Sustainability Management in several post-graduate MSCs and business schools (SDA-Bocconi, SIAF). Among his main research activities, there are pilot projects and studies carried out on behalf of national and EU institutions. He is author of more than 100 articles, many of which published in international scientific reviews with Impact Factor.