Principles of Financial Regulation
7 authors - Paperback
Luca Enriques is the Allen and Overy Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Oxford and ECGI Research Fellow. He has published widely in the fields of corporate law and securities regulation. He is a coauthor of The Anatomy of Corporate Law (3rd edition, 2017) and of Principles of Financial Regulation (2016) and has held visiting positions, among others, at Harvard Law School and University of Cambridge. Tobias H. Tröger holds the Chair of Private Law, Trade and Business Law, Jurisprudence at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. His research interests include corporate law, banking law and the economic analysis of law. He is Program Director Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance at the Research Center Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe (SAFE) and a Research Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI).