Lourdes Gabriela Daza Aramayo Author

Mario Torres Jarrín, PhD, is Director of the Institute of European Studies and Human Rights at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain. Among his previous appointments, he was Director of the European Institute of International Studies, Stockholm (Sweden), Researcher Associate and Adjunct Lecturer in Regionalism in Latin America at Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Romance Studies and Classics and Researcher Associate in the Institute of Latin American Studies, Stockholm University (Sweden). He was also Executive Secretary of the Consortium of Universities IBERO-EURO-AMERICA and Council Academic Member EU-LAC Academic Forum, Task Force Member in the T20/G20 Summits “The future of work and education for the digital age” and "The Multilateralism and Global Governance Future". Currently, he is Principal Investigator “EU Defenders-Reloading European Cultural Heritage” project financing by European Commission (2021-2023) and Academic Member of 4 Jean Monnet Research Projects: “The reconfiguration of the EU presence in Latin America” led by Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany); “Over the Atlantic. EU and Latin American Relations: Between Diplomacy and Paradiplomacy” led by University of Bologna (Italy); “Relations between the European Union and Latin America: Future scenarios in a changing world” led by Universidad de Concepcion (Chile); and Jean Monnet Module on International Private Law in the Research Center for International Private Law at Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). He holds a PhD in History, a Master in European Union Studies, and a BA in Business Studies from the University of Salamanca (Spain). 

Lourdes Gabriela Daza Aramayo, PhD, is one of the three founders of the Anglo-American University, Prague, and from 2020 the Founder and Director of the LAC-Center (Latin American and the Caribbean Business and Studies Center) at this University. She holds an Ing. in political economics with specialization in analysis of socio-economic data, and a PhD in economic policy from the Prague University of Economics and Business. She specializes in relations between Latin America and the European Union. She was Executive Director of the Center for Latin American Studies at the Prague University of Economics and Business from 2008 until 2018. She was also a lecturer at the Department of Economics and International Relations at this university. She is a member of the Bi-Regional Academic Council, Permanent Academic Forum, Latin America and Caribbean–European Union.