Louise Michelle Bombèr Author

Kim S. Golding, CBE, BSc, MSc, D. Clin. Psy. AFBPsS is a clinical psychologist and author. She is a DDP consultant and trainer with interest in developing parenting and education to help children with experience of developmental trauma. Discovering people's stories together is central to her work.

Sian Phillips is a psychologist in Kingston, Ontario. She is a certified DDP practitioner, consultant and trainer. Seven years ago she established a specialized school program, Belong, which utilizes Dyadic Developmental Practice as its framework and also works with larger school boards to integrate DDP as their framework for trauma-informed education.

Louise Michelle Bombèr is qualified as a specialist teacher, a therapist and a DDP certified practitioner. She is the Clinical Lead and the Director of TouchBase Centre CiC in Brighton, which offers a range of support services for children and young adults (5 to 25) who have experienced significant relational traumas and losses to move towards learned security and recovery.