Rethinking Labour in Africa, Past and Present
3 contributors - Paperback
Lynn Schler is a lecturer in African History in the Department of Politics and Government at Ben Gurion University, Israel. Her work has focused on the cultural and social history of colonialism in West Africa, with an emphasis on urbanization and community building. She is the author of The Strangers of New Bell: Immigration, Public Space and Community in Colonial Douala, 1916-1960. Louise Bethlehem is senior lecturer in the Department of English at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she currently also heads the Program in Cultural Studies. She co-edited the Routledge volume Violence and Non-Violence in Africa (also published by Routledge), and Skin Tight: Apartheid Literary Culture and its Aftermath. Galia Sabar is a senior lecturer and the Chair of African Studies at Tel Aviv University. She is the author of Church, State, and Society in Kenya; From Mediation to Opposition, 1963-1993 (also published by Routledge), and co-editor of AIDS Education Prevention in Multi-Cultural Societies.