Louis Brennan Editor & Author

Louis Brennan is a Fellow of Trinity College and a Professor within the School of Business at Trinity College Dublin where he teaches International Business and Global and Operations Strategy. He was formerly Director of the Institute for International Integration Studies at Trinity College Dublin. Louis is the proposer and Chair of EU COST Action IS0905 which encompassed a 26 nation research network addressing the emergence of non-triad MNEs and their impact on Europe.

Caner Bakir is Associate Professor of Political Science, with a special focus on political economy and public policy at Koc University, Istanbul. Caner is Associate Editor of Policy Sciences andCo-director of Center for Globalisation, Peace and Democratic Governance. His work relates to comparative institutional analysis and policy change. His research interests include varieties of national financial systems, the political economy of central banking, financial regulation and governance, Turkish multinationals and economic bureaucracies.