Rue de la Lune, Vaudeville En 1 Acte. Palais-Royal, Paris, 14 Février 1843
2 authors - Paperback
Pascal Chabrot, PhD, is renowned in his area and has published widely in both French and English, including in Acta Radiol., Journal Radiol., Journal des Maladies Vasculaires, and in a number of books. He has given numerous talks and lectures, and has held the post of head of the faculty of medicine at the university of Clermont-Ferrand since 2004, as well as having served in the French military medical service and having been awarded the bronze Medal for National Defence. He is an active member of a number of societies such as the Societe Francaise de Radiologie, the Societe Francaise d'Imagerie Cardio-Vasculaire and the Societe Francaise d'Abord Veineux. He is also a junior member of the international Cardio-Vascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe. Louis Boyer, PhD, Professor and a distinguished authority in this area, who has sat on the committees of numerous French and international working groups, societies and commissions. These include: the European Association of Radiology, the Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (USA,) the Cardio-Vascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe, the Societe Francaise d'Imagerie Cardio-Vasculaire; as well as having been the secretary for many groups and societies in France. He has a strong research record, and since 2006 has been on the national list of experts in the field of medical accidents (with emphasis on interventional radiology.) His university credentials are numerous; he has held such posts as director of research (Universite d'Auvergne), head of the Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine (Clermont-Ferrand)v and elected member of the sub-section of the CNU since October 2000. He is currently the head of the vascular radiology service at the G. Montpied hospital (CHU de Clermont-Ferrand)