Lorraine Bonython - Paperback
Lorraine Bonython's passion for language and teaching began when she was 11 years old, studying Latin. Two years later, she studied Shakespeare. After graduating from secondary school, Lorraine was accepted into Teacher's College and completed her first degree at the age of 19 with outstanding results. Her first job was as an English and ESL teacher for 3 years. After that, she moved quickly through the promotion ranks of the State Education Department, from Head of English to Deputy Principal to becoming the first woman in Australia appointed in a permanent capacity as Principal of a combined campus school. She never stopped studying - she gained her Bachelor of Education, followed up with a Master's in Education, then a Master's in Curriculum, and then a Master's in Linguistics. In 2004 she was recruited as a Senior Research Officer and teacher in Thailand, and thus began her international career. From Thailand to Taiwan, to Singapore to Russia. Her passion for phonics was vital in helping all learners to understand the nuances of English pronunciation. She constantly wrote new and original materials to make the learning of English easier and fun. She was then recruited by the British Council to be a teacher mentor in Malaysia. At the end of 2015, she was recruited by Linguarama and decided to relocate to Milan where she kept pursuing her passion for teaching. By 2018, having been working internationally for 15 years and acquiring 5 languages along the way, the decision was made to retire. With her soulmate and husband Tim, she decided to settle in Malta. Despite her decision, Linguarama invited her to keep working for them, and so she agreed to work online. Which is what she is still doing today. As Tim said, she should write at the top of her resume: 'Inability to retire'.