Lorenzo Mossucca Editor

Olivier Terzo holds a bachelor’s degree from the University Institute of Nancy, France, and an M.Sc and Ph.D from the Polytechnic of Turin, Italy. Dr. Terzo is senior researcher and head of the Research Area: Advanced Computing and Electromagnetics (ACE) at the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), Turin, Italy. Previously at ISMB, he served as researcher in the e-security laboratory and as head of the Research Unit Infrastructures and Systems for Advanced Computing (IS4AC). His current research focuses on application integration in cloud environments. He has published more than 60 papers in conference proceedings and journals, and as book chapters.

Lorenzo Mossucca studied computer engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin. Since 2007, Dr. Mossucca has worked as a researcher at the ISMB in IS4AC. His current research interests include studies of distributed databases, distributed infrastructures, and grid and cloud computing. For the past few years, he has focused his research on the migration of scientific applications to the cloud, particularly in bioinformatics and earth sciences. He has published more than 30 papers in conference proceedings, journals, and posters, and as book chapters. He is part of the IEEE Technical Program Committee and is a reviewer for many international conferences.