Lobna Hassan Editor

Dr. Sarah Stang is an Assistant Professor of Game Studies in Brock University’s Department of Digital Humanities where she teaches courses in the Interactive Arts and Sciences, GAME, and Game Studies MA programs. Her research primarily focuses on gender representation in both digital and analogue games. Mikko Meriläinen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies at the Tampere University Game Research Lab. His research focus in on the intersections of gaming cultures and different areas of everyday life. Further information can be found at mikkomerilainen.com. Joleen Blom is a university lecturer at the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies at the Tampere University Game Research Lab. She is the author of Video Game Characters and Transmedia Storytelling published at the Amsterdam University Press. For more, see joleenblom.com Lobna Hassan is Associate Professor (tenure-track) of sociotechnical transitions in services, at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Finland. Dr. Hassan’s interests include game accessibility, gamification, and inclusion of people with disabilities. Her work and publications can be found at http://lobnahassan.com