Lluís Pons Pujol Editor

Lluís Pons Pujol is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Barcelona. The main subject of his research focuses on the province of Mauritania Tingitana in a broad sense (economics, factual history, Roman administration, historiography). Another of his research lines is the study of the historiography of Roman Africa. Recently he has also dealt with Roman gardens and the concept of luxury in Rome. Reference publication: Pons Pujol, Ll. 2009. La economía de la Mauretania Tingitana (s. I-III d. C.): aceite, vino y salazones (Instrumenta 34). Barcelona: Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona. He has been a member of CEIPAC since 1993 and UBICS since 2017.

Jordi Pérez González is a Juan de la Cierva-Formación postdoctoral researcher at the University of Girona. He received his doctorate from the University of Barcelona as well as the Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2017). He has carried out research stays at the universities of Rome La Sapienza (2017, 2022), Verona (2018), and Macerata (2019/20), financed by the European Commission and by the Ministerio de Universidades (‘José Castillejo’). His most recent research focuses on the consumption of luxuries among the Roman elite, the distribution of food and the epigraphy of its containers, in addition to methodological innovations in Humanities studies. Among his publications, of note is the book awarded with the Géza Alföldy 2021 prize Sumptuary Specialists and Consumer Elites in Rome’s world order (colección Instrumenta), The Romans before adversity (with J.M. Bermúdez -Aracne editrice), and the edition, together with J. Remesal, in this series – Access Archaeology, Arqueología y Téchne. Métodos formales, nuevos enfoques / Archaeology and Techne. Formal methods, new approaches, and together with Filipe N. Silva and J.M. Bermúdez from Historia Antigua en diálogo. Humanidades Digitales e innovaciones metodológicas.