Lisbeth Maria Fagerström Author

Professor Lisbeth Maria Fagerström is professor in caring science at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa, Finland and affiliated professor in Nursing science at University of Southeast-Norway. Her main research areas are advanced practice nursing, nurse staffing, nursing intensity, gerontological nursing, and health promotion. She has extensive experience of nursing education on all levels and of leadership in clinical health care with special focus on leading changes in healthcare, health education and research. She introduced systematic patient classification by the RAFAELA system in the beginning of 1990’s as a tool for nurse leaders in Finland and had since then conducted extensive research regarding nurse staffing, nursing intensity and outcomes. During the last fifteen years Fagerström has developed master programmes in advanced practice nursing according to international standards for Nurse Practitioner role and contributed substantially to the implementation of advanced practice nursing in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Fagerström published the first Swedish book in advanced practice nursing in 2011 (‘Advanced Practice Nurse – theory and clinical praxis’, Publisher Studentlitteratur), and recently the first book in Norwegian (Advanced Practice Nursing’, Publisher Gyldendal Akademisk). She is leading several research projects in advanced practice nursing, with special focus on evaluation of advanced nursing roles and education. She was for many years a member of the ICN/APN Network and by networking on national, Nordic and international level Fagerström has inspired and motivated colleagues, leaders and students for advanced practice nursing.