Lisa M Ritter Author

Barbara B. Lazarus is the associate provost for academic affairs and an adjunct professor of educational anthropology at Carnegie Mellon University. Recent publications include Journeys of Women in Science and Engineering: No Universal Constants (Temple University Press, 1997) and The Equity Equation: Fostering the Advancement of Women in the Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering (Jossey-Bass, 1996). Dr. Lazarus serves as a member of the Asian Women's Studies Committee, on the Advisory Committee of MentorNet, and as a board member of Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network.

Lisa M. Ritter is a communications consultant at Carnegie Mellon University and is the editor of the quarterly graduate newsletter on campus. She has also worked as a public relations director and coordinator of professional development seminars for graduate students.

Susan A. Ambrose is Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning and Professor of Education at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Her research interests include applying cognitive principles to education and understanding how class origin, sex, race and ethnicity, social conceptions, of women, and other variables collectively influence women's life decisions and careers in engineering and science. Recent publications include Journeys of Women in Science and Engineering: No Universal Constants (Temple University Press, 1997) and The New Professor's Handbook (Anker Press, 1994). Dr. Ambrose was recently honored with an American Council on Education Fellowship for the 1999-2000 academic year.