Adolescent Experiences and Adult Work Outcomes
3 contributors - Hardback
Lisa A. Keister is a professor of sociology and the Director of the Markets and Management Program at Duke University. She conducts research on wealth inequality, asset accumulation and the causes of each. She is the author of Getting Rich: America's New Rich and How They Got There (Cambridge University Press, 2005) and Wealth in America (Cambridge University Press, 2000). Her research on Chinese corporations and the country's economic transition appeared in her book Chinese Business Groups (2000) as well as various articles. Darby E. Southgate is an assistant professor of sociology at Los Angeles Valley College and a research consultant. Her primary research interests are poverty, education and culture. Her research investigates the intersection of socioeconomic status, education and culture. She has authored numerous entries on culture, specifically on music and society. She also consults for agencies aiming to reduce homelessness and poverty through education.