Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasma Physics, Volume 2
Linjin Zheng - Hardback
Linjin Zheng specializes in both analytic theory and large-scale numerical computation of magnetically confined plasmas. He received his M. S. degree from The University of Science and Technology of China and Ph. D. from Institute of Physics - Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is currently working at Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, USA. He has published more than a hundred scientific papers and his research covers both ideal/resistive MHD and kinetic theories for MHD modes and drift waves, etc. His major contributions with his colleagues include the discovery of 2nd toroidal Alfven eigenmodes, reformulation of gyrokinetic theory, development of physical interpretation of so-called edge localized modes, etc. He also developed the AEGIS and AEGIS-K codes.