Family Business in China, Volume 2
3 authors - Hardback
Dr. De-Jin Wu, after receiving his undergraduate education at Anhui University, completedhis MS and PhD degrees at Beijing Normal University and the CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences)Purple Mountain Observatory, respectively. The author of numerous papers and a participant in a number of research programs, he is currently the lead researcher in the Solar and Heliospheric Plasmas Group at Purple Mountain Observatory, and a professor at the USTC (University of Science and Technology of China)School of Astronomy and Space Science. His major research interests are in KAWs in space and solar plasmas, as well as the inhomogeneous heating of solar coronal plasmas and solar radio bursts.
Dr. Ling Chen graduated from the CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Purple Mountain Observatory and received her PhD degree in Astrophysics in 2011. She is currently an associate researcher at Purple Mountain Observatory and an associate professor at the USTC (University of Science and Technology of China) School of Astronomy and Space Science. Her major researches interests are in KAWs in the solar atmosphere and space plasmas.