Making Amends
Linda Radzik - Hardback
Linda Radzik is Professor of Philosophy at Texas A&M University. She is the author of Making Amends: Atonement in Morality, Law and Politics (2009), as well as a series of articles on the normative issues that arise in the aftermath of wrongdoing. Christopher Bennett is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Sheffield. He is the author of The Apology Ritual: A Philosophical Theory of Punishment (Cambridge 2008), as well as numerous articles in moral, political and legal philosophy. Among other things, he is currently working on expressive action and normative powers. Glen Pettigrove holds the Chair in Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of Forgiveness and Love (2012) and numerous articles in academic journals, including Ethics, Nous, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, and the Australasian Journal of Philosophy. George Sher is the Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Philosophy at Rice University, where he has taught since 1991. Before coming to Rice, he taught first at Fairleigh Dickinson University and then at the University of Vermont. His research interests range over topics in ethics, political philosophy, and moral psychology. He has edited or co-edited a number of anthologies, and is the author of seven books, including Desert (1987), Beyond Neutrality: Perfectionism and Politics (1997), In Praise of Blame (2006), and Equality for Inegalitarians (Cambridge, 2014). His most recent project is a book on freedom of mind entitled A Wild West of the Mind.