Learning Microsoft Office XP Advanced Skills
4 authors - Set / collection
Dr. Linda Hefferin is a Professor in Business Management at Elgin Community College in Elgin, Illinois. Dr. Susie H. VanHuss received her B.S. degree from the University of Southwestern Louisiana and her MBA and Ph.D. degrees from Indiana University. Her teaching specialties include business communications, administrative systems, and personnel management. Her work, includes textbooks in communications, keyboarding and word processing, and office technology. She has written numerous journal articles and has served on the editorial review boards of several leading business education journals. Dr. Connie M. Forde is a full professor and head of the Department of Instructional Systems and Workforce Development at Mississippi State University, where she leads undergraduate programs in information technology services, business technology teacher education, and industrial technology, as well as graduate programs in instructional technology. Dr. Forde also continues to advise doctoral students on their dissertation research. Prior to her tenure at Mississippi State University, she was a business teacher at both the community college and secondary levels. She earned her B.S. and M.Ed. degrees in business education from the University of Southern Mississippi and her Ph.D. in higher education from the University of Mississippi. Dr. Forde serves as coauthor of the COLLEGE KEYBOARDING series and a variety of word processing and integrated applications textbooks and simulations. She is a recognized contributor to the professional literature and a speaker at state, regional, and national conferences. Additionally, she has served as president of the National Business Education Association, Southern Business Education Association, and National Council of Pi Omega Pi, and chair of the Foundation for the Future of Business Education. Donna L. Woo is an instructor and department coordinator for Information Systems/Office Automation at Cypress College and associate director of education at Pacific College. She received her B.A. and M.A. degrees in business education from Michigan State University and earned her Ed.D. from Nova University. Her industry experience includes work for both IBM and General Motors. A respected author, Dr. Woo has written several word processing textbooks and has served as a coauthor on several editions of South-Western COLLEGE KEYBOARDING textbooks.