Mental Health Nursing Skills
3 contributors - Paperback
Professor Linda Cooper is a senior lecturer in the Higher and Adult Education Studies Development Unit (HAESDU), in the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She worked for a number of years in the field of trade union and worker education before joining the staff of UCT in the early 1990s. She is convenor of the Adult Education Programme at UCT and chair of UCT's Adult Learner Working Group. Professor Shirley Walters is professor of adult and continuing education at University of Western Cape where she is the director of the Division for Lifelong Learning. She has published widely on issues relating to feminist popular education, community adult education, lifelong learning and education for democracy. Before joining UWC in 1985 she worked as a high school teacher, a training officer on a diamond mine and a director of community organisations. She has been involved with many civil society organizations which are concerned with social justice issues and the promotion of adult and lifelong learning. She has a doctorate from University of Cape Town and an honorary doctorate from University of Linkoping, Sweden.