Lin Zhan Editor

Lin Zhan, PhD, RN, FAAN, is executive consultant, Partners Harvard Medical International (an academic non-profit that provides education and professional services to international clients; a subsidiary of Partner's HealthCare System, Boston). Prior to that she was Dean, Chair and Professor, School of Nursing, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, where she created two tracks of accelerated BSN programs, and one MSN, program on three campuses. Dr. Zhan is also Associate Clinical Scientist, Phyllis F. Cantor Center for Research in Nursing and Patient Care Services, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston; Associate, Institute for Nursing and Health Care Leadership, Boston; Advisory Board Member, Massachusetts Department of Health Minority Health Office; Board of Directors, Massachusetts Association for Older Americans; and Consultant, Guangzhou Lu Hua Hospital Center of Excellence in Nursing. For AACN, Dr. Zhan participates as a Nomination Committee Member, Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing, and in their organizational leadership network. For NLN, she served on the Board of Governors for five plus years and on the International Nursing Education Service and Accreditation Task Force for several years. Other honors include honorary doctorates at 10 universities in China and, in 2007, Leader, The US Nursing Education and Leadership Delegation to China. She is a former AJN Book of the Year Award winner, and sits or has sat on the editorial boards of Journal of Gerontological Nursing, Journal of Nursing Education Perspectives, and the NIH Scientific Review Committee. She has published multiple volumes, contributed to others, appears frequently in peer reviewed journals, and has won many large and small grants for research in health care education and practice.