Women, Sustainable Entrepreneurship and the Economy
2 contributors - Hardback
Prof. Dr. Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt, CPA, CFE, is the founder of the International Women and Business Group (IWBG) and International Group on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility (IConGFE & SR). She teaches accounting, auditing, fraud examination, sustainability, to women in business in Trakya University, and ACCA-accredited master program on accounting and auditing in University of National World and Economy, Sofia.
Liliane Segura is a professor at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil, and she teaches accounting, firm valuation, and corporate social responsibility. She is a postdoctorate in business from the University of Salamanca, Spain; Doctor in Finance from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil, and Accounting Degree and Master in Strategy from the University of S‹o Paulo, Brazil.