Young Refugees and Forced Displacement
5 authors - Paperback
Liliana Riga is Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. She is a political and historical sociologist whose work explores immigration, refugees and civil society, racialised exclusions and political subjectivities. She is currently completing a book as a collection of essays, Refugeedom and Our Moral Selves.
Mary Holmes is Professor of Emotions and Society at the University of Edinburgh. Her research examines emotional reflexivity. She is one of the founding editors of the journal Emotions and Society and is currently writing a book, with Chris Beasley, on internet dating.
Arek Dakessian is a research fellow at Queen Margaret University. His research interests include cultural production, material culture, historical sociology and political alterity. Arek is also a founding member of LIVED, an Edinburgh-based charity.
Johannes Langer is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh. His research explores questions of racism, immigration and the rise of rightist nationalism with a focus on regional difference and historical social change.
David Anderson was Research Assistant on the Belonging in Beirut project and is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh. His PhD work addresses displacement, marginalisation and social space in the urban environment in Soacha, Colombia.