Liliana Cepoi Editor

Dr. Arun Lal Srivastav is working as an Associate Professor at Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh in India. He is currently involved in the teaching of environmental science, environmental engineering, and disaster management to the undergraduate engineering students. His research interests include water treatment, river ecosystem, climate change, soil health maintenance, phytoremediation, and waste management. He has published around 91 research publication (as per SCOPUS) in various peer-reviewed, national and international journals, conferences, and books. He has also filed 25 patents on multidisciplinary topics. He is also working on four government-sponsored projects (worth ~16 million INR) on phytoremediation, adsorption, capacity building, organic farming, leachate treatment, agro-waste management, and so on. Dr. Inga Zinicovscaia is working as the Head of the Sector in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia. She has obtained her Doctor of Science degree from Moldova State University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova on the study of the impact of some metals determined by neutron activation analysis on the quality of the environment. Her research interests include water and soil remediation, assessment of the air quality, nanotoxicology, waste management, evaluation of food quality, and radioecology. She has published 200 research papers in prestigious ISI journals (Elsevier, Springer, IWA, Taylor & Francis, and so on) as well as several book chapters and monography on wastewater bioremediation. She is also a section editor in several journals and project supervisor of more than 10 projects between Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and member states on different environmental subjects. Dr. Liliana Cepoi serves as the Director of The Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology at the Technical University of Moldova. Her expertise lies in the field of biotechnology, specifically focusing on microalgae and cyanobacteria. Her primary research interest centers around oxidative stress and its potential applications in biotechnology, particularly in remediation techniques for water contaminated with heavy metals. Dr. Cepoi’s work involves studying the bioaccumulation of pollutants through iterative processes utilizing cyanobacteria from the Arthrospira and Nostoc genera. She has authored 15 chapters in books published by prestigious scientific publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, and Wales and has coedited a book on the bioremediation of contaminated water. Additionally, Dr. Cepoi has contributed as an author and coauthor to numerous articles in scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. She holds more than 30 invention patents, which encompass various strains of microorganisms with biotechnological significance, their cultivation processes, and methods for quality control of biomass. Furthermore, she actively supervises doctoral students in the fields of biotechnology and ecology