Liesbet Nys Author

Liesbet Nys (b. 1976) studied history at KU Leuven, where she worked from 1998 to 2010. During her time there, she focused on research in areas such as degenerationism, university history, and the history of museum visits. Her doctoral dissertation, defended in June 2009, was dedicated to the latter subject. From 2010 to 2013, she continued her academic career as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Public History at Ghent University. In October 2013, she returned to the University of Leuven to resume her work in university history. After completing a project on the history of Leuven's medical faculty, she has been researching the history of research and research policy at KU Leuven since October 2016. Karin Borghouts is a professional Belgian artist photographer. She is working on her own projects and on commissioned assignments by art, cultural and heritage organisations, publishers, city councils, architects, museums.