Liam Riley Author & Editor

Jonathan Crush is University Research Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University and Professor Extraordinary at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. He obtained his first degree at Cambridge University and  his M.A. at  Laurier  and Ph.D. at Queen’s University. He has taught at the National University of Lesotho, the University of Alberta and Queen’s University and has published extensively on African development, migration and food security.  He is currently Director of the Hungry Cities Partnership, a global network focused on the governance of urban food systems under conditions of rapid urbanization.

Dr Liam Riley works on several inter-related projects investigating food security and food systems in Africa’s rapidly growing cities. He holds a PhD (2013) and MA (2008) in Geography from Western University in London, Canada and a BA (2003) in East Asian Studies and African Studies from McGill University. Liam held a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2014-2016) and Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (2016-2019) at the BSIA at Wilfrid Laurier University where he is currently an Adjunct Faculty member. His work is rooted in fieldwork in Malawi, Cameroon, South Africa, and Botswana that uses a host of qualitative and quantitative research methods to investigate gendered household food strategies in urban Africa and the political economic dimensions of urban food security as a development challenge.