Li Da Xu Author & Editor

Li Da Xu serves as the founding chair of IFIP TC8 WG8.9 and the IEEE SMC Society Technical Committee on Enterprise Information Systems and as the founding editor in chief of the engineering journal entitled Enterprise Information Systems. He is an endowed Changjiang Chair Professor by the Ministry of Education of China. His affiliations include the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the China State Council Development Research Center, and Old Dominion University, United States. Professor Xu has participated in early research and educational academic activities in the field of systems science and engineering. He has collaborated and worked extensively with pioneering scholars such as West Churchman, John Warfield, and Qian Xuesen. Furthermore, he has spearheaded early research and educational academic activities in the field of information systems and enterprise systems, which started in the early 1980s. He is a coauthor of the recent book entitled Systems Science: Methodological Approaches published by Taylor & Francis Group. His work has been cited by Qian Xuesen and other well-known scholars.