Turkish-Greek Relations
Leonidas Karakatsanis - Hardback
Emma L Baysal is a lecturer in prehistory at Trakya University in Turkey. She completed her PhD at the University of Liverpool in 2010 and has since held a Senior Fellowship at ANAMED in Istanbul and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the British Institute at Ankara. She specialises in, and has published extensively on, prehistoric ornaments and what they can tell us about social structure, technology, communication, trade and beliefs from the Epipalaeolithic period until the Early Bronze Age. She is currently working on artefacts from a range of prehistoric sites in Turkey. Leonidas Karakatsanis holds a PhD in Ideology and Discourse Analysis from the University of Essex. He has researched and published on issues related to the politics of identity and representation, minorities and migration, nationalism, peace and reconciliation, the politics of culture and emotion, and the theories of qualitative methods in social and political sciences. He is the author of Turkish-Greek relations: rapprochement, civil society and the politics of friendship (2014) published as part of the Routledge Advances in Mediterranean Studies series. Since 2015 he is the Assistant Director of the British Institute at Ankara.