The Survival of International Organizations
4 authors - Hardback
Hylke Dijkstra is Professor of International Security and Cooperation at Maastricht University in The Netherlands, where he leads the research programme on Europe. He holds a PhD from Maastricht University and was previously a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Oxford. He is the Project Coordinator of the Horizon-funded ENSURED project on EU support for global governance transformation. He was previously the Principal Investigator of the NestIOr project on the decline and death of international organizations funded by the European Research Council. He has published widely on global governance, multilateralism, and international organizations. Laura von Allwörden is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the International Relations Chair at Kiel University in Germany. She holds a PhD from Maastricht University where she was part of the NestIOr project on the decline and death of international organizations funded by the European Research Council. Her research focuses on challenges to international organizations in the field of climate and energy, and she has studied the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change and the International Energy Agency. She has published articles in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs and International Relations. Leonard Schütte is a Senior Researcher at the Munich Security Conference in Germany. He holds a PhD from Maastricht University where he was part of the NestIOr project on the decline and death of international organizations funded by the European Research Council. He is interested in European security, NATO, and international organizations and has published articles in International Affairs, Journal of Common Market Studies, and Journal of European Public Policy. Giuseppe Zaccaria is a Research Associate in Political Science in the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom. He holds a PhD from Maastricht University where he was part of the NestIOr project on the decline and death of international organizations funded by the European Research Council. His research focuses on challenges to international organizations in the field of global trade and development, and he has studied the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. He has published articles in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Global Policy, and Pacific Review.