Aristotle On Tragic and Comic Mimesis
Leon Golden - Paperback
Leon Golden, retired as Emeritus Professor of Classical Languages, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, after 38 years. A noted Classics scholar, Golden's nearly 60-year career involved teaching, research, and publishing on the greatest philosophers, characters, literature, and culture of the ancient Greco-Roman world. Among his numerous publications are In Praise of Prometheus (1966), Aristotle's Poetics (1968), Aristotle: On Tragic and Comic Mimesis (1992), Horace for Students of Literature (1995), Understanding the Iliad (2004), and Achilles and Yossarian (2009). He is a career-long member of the American Philological Association, Archeological Institute of America, Classical Association Midwest and South (president Southern section 1972-74), and Phi Beta Kappa.