Lennart Ante Author & Editor

Fred Steinmetz is co-founder of the Blockchain Research Lab and Research Associate at Universität Hamburg. He researches on the economic potentials and societal impacts of blockchain technology applications, which includes ETIBLOGG, a publicly funded project for applying distributed ledger technology in energy trading. Fred holds a Master of Science in business administration and co-founded Badgeport, a marketing platform for blockchain startups.

Lennart Ante studied business administration at the University of Cologne, TU Clausthal and Universität Hamburg. As a Research Associate at Universität Hamburg, he works within the publicly funded project ETIBLOGG with the aim to make small amounts of energy tradable using blockchain technology. He is co-founder of the Blockchain Research Lab and convinced that blockchain technology will have a sustainable influence on business models and society.

Ingo Fiedler is co-founder of the Blockchain Research Lab in Hamburg, Team Leader at Universität Hamburg, and Affiliate Assistant Professor at Concordia University, Montreal. He holds diplomas in both business administration and economics and obtained his award-winning PhD from Universität Hamburg. He regularly adds to the public knowledge on his main research topics – gambling and blockchain – by commenting in various media outlets and advising key policy stakeholders.