The Regency of Tunis, 1535–1666
Leïla Temime Blili - Hardback
Leïla Temime Blili (Author) is a professor of modern and contemporary history at the Faculty of Letters, Arts, and the Humanities at the University of Manouba in Tunisia. She is the author of The Regency of Tunis, 1535–1666: Genesis of an Ottoman Province in the Maghrib (AUC Press, 2021).
Julia Clancy-Smith (Foreword by) is a Regent's Professor of History at the University of Arizona.
Laura Thompson (Translated by) is a visiting assistant professor of anthropology at Boston University.
Margaux Fitoussi (Translated by) is a PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University. She is co-translator of The Regency of Tunis, 1535–1666: Genesis of an Ottoman Province in the Maghrib (AUC Press, 2021).