Leila Simona Talani Author & Editor

Dr. Leila Simona Talani is Professor of International and European Political Economy at King's College London as well as Jean Monnet Chair of European Political Economy. She was previously a lecturer in European Politics at the University of Bath and a research fellow and then lecturer at the European Research Institute of the London School of Economics. In 2001 she spent a year as Associate Expert on migration issues at the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention in Cairo. She is the author of: The Arab Spring in the Global Political Economy (Palgrave), The Future of the City of London (Palgrave), The Global Crash (Palgrave), The Future of EMU (Palgrave), Insiders and Outsiders, From Egypt to Europe, European Political Economy, Interests or expectations, Between Growth and Stability, The EU and the Balkans, After Maastricht. 
Pompeo Della Posta (MA, PhD) Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Pisa, Italy. He is also external professor at the Stanford Bing Overseas Studies Program in Florence, where he teaches 'European economic and monetary integration' and has been Adjunct Professor of International Economics at the Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center.